WITNESS LIST State Recreational Resources Committee May 7, 1997-8:00A SB 991 For: Naishtat, Rep. Elliott (author of the bill) Schwartz, Jonas (United Cerebral Palsy) Registering, but not testifying: For: Schaffer, Susan (ARC of Texas) SB 1124 For: Daniels, Kevin (Coastal Conserv. Assoc.) Jaenike, Fritz (Himself) Lowerre, Richard (Aransas Co. Comm. Court) Moore, Tim (TX Aquaculture Assoc.) Uher, Rep. Tom (author of the bill) Werkenthin, Fred Jr. (TX Aquaculture Assoc.) SCR 66 On: McKinney, Larry (TPWD) Registering, but not testifying: For: Glacken, Shawn (Texas Utilities)