WITNESS LIST Finance Committee August 7, 1998-10:00A Joint Hearing on Drought Issues On: Baker, John (TNRCC), Austin Bomar, George (TNRCC), Austin Buckley, Robert G. (TX Soil & Wtr Consv Bd), Temple Chilton, Dr. Earl (TX Parks & Wildlife), Austin Clark, Jerry (Dairy Farmers of Ameri), Arlington Fehlis, Chester P. (TX Agr. Extension Serv.), College Station Hiler, Edward A. (TX A&M Univ. System), College Station Hull, James B. (Texas Forest Service), College Station Knutson, Ronald D. (TX A&M University), College Station Kubecka, Bill (TX Grain Sorghum Assoc), Palacios Manley, Larry Paul (TDHCA), Austin Miller, Travis D. (TX Agr. Extension Serv.), College Station Millwee, Tom (DPS Div. Emergency Mgmt), Austin Patton, Lindy (TX Boll Weevil Eradic.), Stamford Pederson, Craig D. (TX Water Development Bd), Austin Perry, Rick (TX Dept. of Agriculture), Austin Register, Wayne (TX Soil & Wtr Consv Dis), Temple Saitas, Jeff (TNRCC), Austin Sansom, Andrew (Texas Parks & Wildlife), Austin Sharp, John (Compt. of Public Accts.), Austin Small, Ed (TX & S.W. Cattle Raiser), Austin Stallman, Bob (Texas Farm Bureau), Waco Stone, Hugh L. (TX Soil & Wtr Consv Bd), San Angelo Vander Horst, Alan (TX Assoc of Dairymen), Stephenville Webb, Bill (TX Motor Transp Assoc), Austin Williams, Tony (TX Cotton Ginners Assoc), Austin Registering, but not testifying: On: Almaguer, J. "Al" (TDHCA), Austin Anderson, Carl G. (TX A&M University), College Station Beverly, John (TX Agr. Expt. Station), College Station Brite, James "Rooter" (TX Soil & Wtr Consv Bd), Temple Cedillo, Ruth (TDHCA), Austin Cooke, Dr. Jerry L. (TX Parks & Wildlife), Austin Garcia, Gus (TDHCA), Austin George, Ron (TX Parks & Wildlife), Austin Hammerschmidt, Paul (TX Parks & Wildlife), Austin Kowis, James (TNRCC), Austin Moore, James M. (TX Soil & Wtr Consv Bd), Temple Sollock, Gene (TX Soil & Wtr Consv Bd), Temple