WITNESS LIST Transportation (Interim) Committee March 19, 1998-2:00P Transportation On: Autry, John (Citylink Transit), Abilene Barnhill, David (Self), Abilene Black, Brent (City of Lubbock), Lubbock Hamilton, Lee (Taylor Cnty Judge), Abilene Haynes, Darrell (Council Member), Brownwood Heald, Charles (Tx Dept. Transportation), Austin Jones, Michael N. (Railroad Commission), Austin Plaster, Michael (Tx Transit Association), Austin Reyes, J.D. (City of San Angelo), San Angelo Stephens, Robert (Concho Valley Council), San Angelo Toone, George G. (blind/visually impaired), Abilene Warlick, Carole (Hill Country Transit), San Saba Registering, but not testifying: On: Maddox, David (City of Sweetwater), Sweetwater