HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 1-1 WHEREAS, The Lone Star State's reputation as a haven for 1-2 lovers of hot and spicy food is well deserved, and the native 1-3 chiltepin pepper has contributed greatly to this proud legacy; and 1-4 WHEREAS, A member of the genus Capsicum, the chiltepin grows 1-5 wild in our temperate climate and is both undeniably American and 1-6 typically Texan; its distinctive flavor makes it ideal for hearty 1-7 stews and red-hot Texas chili, and it is a staple in many Tex-Mex 1-8 favorites; and 1-9 WHEREAS, Even the mockingbird, our state bird, recognizes the 1-10 appeal of this piquant pod, choosing to dine on it almost 1-11 exclusively when the pepper is in season; wild turkeys, too, are 1-12 often seen feeding on these tasty little morsels, and these and 1-13 other fruit-eating wild birds play a vital role in the chiltepin's 1-14 proliferation; and 1-15 WHEREAS, Found in abundance from the southern United States 1-16 to northern South America, the chiltepin has been used for many 1-17 years by the various peoples who have populated our great state; 1-18 known variously as chile mosquito and chile bravo, the Spanish 1-19 described this zesty fruit as "arrebatado," meaning that although 1-20 its spiciness is immediate and intense, this bold sensation does 1-21 not linger long; and 1-22 WHEREAS, The chiltepin is used in both fresh and dried forms, 1-23 combined with vinegar to make a tangy sauce or sprinkled into soup 1-24 to provide just the right seasoning; perhaps the most amazing 2-1 attribute of this indigenous spice is that it has been shown to 2-2 increase the human metabolism by as much as 25 percent, making it a 2-3 promising means of controlling weight gain; and 2-4 WHEREAS, The chiltepin's storied history even includes a 2-5 footnote to one of our greatest American presidents, Thomas 2-6 Jefferson; an avid gardener, President Jefferson acquired some of 2-7 these exotic tiny peppers from a fellow horticulturist and 2-8 displayed a keen interest in establishing a market for this Texas 2-9 pepper; and 2-10 WHEREAS, It is important to acknowledge and promote our 2-11 endemic natural resources, for they are an integral part of our 2-12 heritage and help to make us recognizable to other cultures around 2-13 the globe; the chiltepin is Texas' only native pepper, and its long 2-14 history and wide variety of uses make it truly deserving of special 2-15 recognition and endorsement; now, therefore, be it 2-16 RESOLVED, That the 75th Legislature of the State of Texas 2-17 hereby declare the chiltepin the official State Native Pepper of 2-18 Texas. Carter _______________________________ _______________________________ President of the Senate Speaker of the House I certify that H.C.R. No. 82 was adopted by the House on May 10, 1997, by a non-record vote. _______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House I certify that H.C.R. No. 82 was adopted by the Senate on May 26, 1997, by a viva-voce vote. _______________________________ Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: _____________________ Date _____________________ Governor