Floor packet Page No. 38
      CSHB 1 is amended as follows:
      On page VI-19, add to C.1.2 Strategy:
            Provide a low-interest loan fund for small businesses
to replace or upgrade noncompliant petroleum storage tanks.
      On page VI-24, amend the second sentence in Rider 14 to say:
            Furthermore, the Texas Natural Resources Conservation
Commission shall not transfer funds from the PSTR Account Strategy
C.1.2., Storage Tank Cleanup to any other strategy, except for the
program to fund low interest loans for small businesses to replace
or upgrade non-compliant storage tanks.  Out of the Petroleum
Storage Tank Remediation Account, $4,000,000 shall be allocated to
a program to fund low-interest loans for small businesses to
replace or upgrade non-compliant petroleum storage tanks.