Floor Packet No. 44 Texas Department of Transportation Proposed Rider and Funding Sound Barrier Retro-Fit Walls Amend CSHB 1 as follows in Article VII, add the following amendment to be appropriately numbered and inserted into the appropriate section Article VII. Appropriate $2.5 million dollars from the special Fund Balances from General Revenue Account 029, Traffic Safety, and General Revenue Account 451, Public Transportation, during the 2000-01 biennium to create sound barrier retro-fit walls along the north side of Interstate 610 in Houston, from a point on the west side of Yale at its intersection with Interstate 610 extending appoximately 2-1/2 miles to the west to a point located on the east side of East T.C. Jester at its intersection with Interstate 610, from funds remaining as of August 31, 1999 and prior to being transferred to the State Highway Fund No. 006.