Floor Packet Page No. 73
Amend CSHB 1 as follows:
(1) On page XI-79 of the bill, in Article XI strike the
following rider under the appropriations to the Texas Department of
Economic Development:
<Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center. Out of funds
appropriated above to the Department of Economic Development in
Strategy A.1.1. Assist Businesses, the amount of $_____ in fiscal
year 2000 and $______ in fiscal year 2001 shall be used by the
department to operate additional Texas Manufacturing Assistance
Centers in Laredo and El Paso.>
(2) In Article XI, under the appropriations to the Texas
Department of Economic Development, add the following rider:
Appropriation: Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center
(TMAC). In addition to funds appropriated above, the Department of
Economic Development is hereby appropriated out of the General
Revenue Fund $1,000,000 for fiscal year 2000 and $1,000,000 for
fiscal year 2001 to maintain current TMAC program operations and to
secure full federal funding available for the TMAC program. Out of
funds appropriated above in Strategy A.1.1: Assist Businesses, the
Department of Economic Development shall expend $75,000 in each
year of the biennium to establish a full-time TMAC office in Laredo
to assist area manufacturers.