Amend CSHB 731 as follows:
      (1)  on page 3, strike lines 17-26 and substitute the
      Sec. 30.00004. ABOLITION OF COURT. If the governing body of
the city finds <after the establishment of an additional> that a
municipal court of record <that the condition of the dockets of the
other courts of the county does not require the existence of the
court to dispose properly of the cases arising in the city> is
unnecessary, the governing body shall by ordinance declare the
office of the municipal judge vacant at the end of the term for
which the judge was last selected. Any cases then pending shall be
transferred to a court with proper jurisdiction of the offense.
      Sec. 30.00005. JURISDICTION. (a) A municipal court of
      (2)  renumber subsequent sections of the Government Code
contained in Section 1 of the bill to conform to this amendment.