Amend HB 845 by inserting, on page 3, between lines 16 and
17, the following:
      (k)  A registrant shall file with the commission a report
describing each legislative document, including a bill or
resolution, in regard to which a client has retained the registrant
to communicate directly with a member of the legislative or
executive branch to influence legislative action.  The report must
be filed not later than the third day after the date the
legislative document is filed with a legislative body or, if the
document is filed before the registrant is retained, not later than
the third day after the registrant is retained.  The registrant
shall simultaneously notify each of the registrant's clients of any
report the registrant is required to file.  The report must
            (1)  when the registrant was retained to communicate
directly with a member of the legislative or executive branch to
influence legislative action on the legislative document; and
            (2)  the client's stated purpose in retaining the