Amend HB 918 as follows:
      On page 2, between lines 2 and 3 insert the section below and
renumber the following sections accordingly:
      SECTION 3.  Section 51.803 is amended by amending Subsection
(b) to read as follows:
      (b)  An instrument may only be filed as provided by this
subchapter if the district, county, or court of appeals has
established a system for receiving electronically transmitted
information from an electronic copying device, and the system has
been approved by the Supreme Court.  A district or county court may
not mandate electronic filing as a sole means of filing documents
in lawsuits.  A district or county clerk or clerk of a court of
appeals who believes there is justification for use of an
electronic filing system in the clerk's office must request
approval of the system from the supreme court.  The supreme court
shall approve or disapprove the system and may withdraw approval
any time the system does not meet its requirements.