Amend CSHB 1171 in SECTION 5 of the bill by striking amended
Section 401.203, Health and Safety Code (Committee Printing, page
3, lines 36-47), and substituting the following:
ENTITY>.  (a)  A <radioactive waste disposal> license for the
disposal or assured isolation of low-level radioactive waste, to
the extent the activities are required by the Low-Level Radioactive
Waste Policy Act as amended by the Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Policy Amendments Act of 1985 (42 U.S.C. Sections 2021b-2021j), may
be issued <only> to a public entity specifically authorized by law
for low-level radioactive waste disopsal or assured isolation.  The
public entity, in accordance with Subchapter H of Chapter 402 of
the Health and Safety Code, shall contract with a private entity to
perform the overall operation of a disposal or assured isolation
facility licensed under this subsection.
      (b)  The commission may issue a low-level radioactive waste
disposal license to a private entity in accordance with the
requirements of this chapter.
      (c)  A public entity specifically authorized by law for
low-level radioactive waste disposal or assured isolation may
contract with a private entity to utilize an assured isolation or
disposal facility licensed pursuant to Subsection (b) of this
Section to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of Chapters 402
and 403, Health and Safety Code.
      (d)  For purposes of disposal or assured isolation, a
facility licensed under this section shall comply with Section
401.207, Health and Safety Code.