Amend CSHB 1341 as follows:
      On page 3, strike line 11 and insert in lieu thereof the
      (B) was built before 1875 or is still functioning as a
courthouse; and
      On page 5, strike lines 4 through 15 and insert in lieu
thereof the following:
      (A) elected county officials;
      (B) members of historical organizations or persons with
knowledge of and experience in preservation; and
      (C) members of the general public.
      On page 5, strike line 23 and insert in lieu thereof the
      minimum standards of a master preservation plan.
      On page 5, strike line 27 and on page 6, strike lines 1
through 2 and insert in lieu thereof the following:
      commission by rule shall establish standards that ensure the
quality of the work performed on a historic courthouse project.
      On page 7, line 13, strike the word "The" between (b) and
commission and insert in lieu thereof:
      Except as otherwise provided by subsection (c), the
      On page 7, line 18; insert a new subsection (c) to read as
follows and renumber the following sections accordingly:
      (c) The commission may use money in the historic courthouse
preservation fund account to provide a loan under the historic
courthouse preservation program only to the extent that the
legislature provides in the General Appropriations Act that money
appropriated to the commission for the program may be used to make
      On page 8, strike lines 3 through 8 and insert in lieu
thereof the following:
      (e) The commission may use an amount not to exceed one
percent (1%) of the biennial appropriations for the historic
courthouse preservation program for administration, oversight and
implementation of the program.