Amend HB 1864 as follows:
      (1)  In SECTION 1.03(b)(1) of the bill, strike "CHIP bureau"
and substitute "Texas Health Steps Comprehensive Care Program"
(page 1, line 58, senate committee printing).
      (2)  In the third sentence of SECTION 1.03(d) of the bill,
between "serving as promotoras" and "are entitled to
reimbursement", insert "and the two representatives of the general
public" (page 2, line 31, senate committee printing).
      (3)  Add the following new Subsection (d) to SECTION 1.04 of
the bill (page 2, between lines 68 and 69, senate committee
      (d)  In addition to its other duties, the committee shall
identify, and develop a strategic plan to address, the barriers
encountered by recipients of benefits under the state Medicaid
program in accessing prenatal and neonatal health care services.
The committee shall submit a draft of its strategic plan to the
department, the governor, and the presiding officer of each house
of the legislature not later than December 31, 2000. In identifying
the barriers, the committee shall consider at least the cultural
and language differences that exist between health care providers
and their patients, the extent to which health care facilities'
days and hours of operation limit accessibility to health care, the
availability of transportation to and from health care facilities,
the extent to which health care facilities are inconveniently
located, the unfamiliarity of recipients with enrollment processes,
the unfamiliarity of health care providers with community needs and
cultural issues, and the unfamiliarity of recipients and health
care providers with available health care benefits.
      (4)  In the first sentence of SECTION 1.05(g) of the bill,
between "may be used by the local pilot project" and "only for the
purposes", insert "and by persons connected with the local pilot
project" (page 3, line 57, senate committee printing).
      (5)  In the first sentence of SECTION 1.05(g) of the bill,
between "may not be released by the local pilot project" and "to
any person", insert "or by persons connected with the local pilot
project" (page 3, line 59, senate committee printing).
      (6)  In the second sentence of SECTION 1.05(g) of the bill,
strike "The commissioner may adopt rules" and substitute "The
commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary" (page 3, line 60,
senate committee printing).