Amend CSHB 1945 as follows: (1) On page 7, lines 8-9, strike "NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH PROGRAMS" and substitute "NURSING, ALLIED HEALTH, AND OTHER HEALTH-RELATED PROGRAMS". (2) On page 7, lines 10-11, strike "NURSING AND ALLIED HEALTH PROGRAMS" and substitute "NURSING, ALLIED HEALTH, AND OTHER HEALTH-RELATED PROGRAMS". (3) On page 7, line 12, strike "nursing and allied health programs" and substitute "nursing, allied health, and other health-related programs". (4) On page 8, line 9, strike "nursing or allied health education" and substitute "nursing, allied health, or other health-related education". (5) On page 8, lines 12-13, strike "nursing or allied health education" and substitute "nursing, allied health, or other health-related education". (6) On page 11, line 1, strike "nursing and allied health programs" and substitute "nursing, allied health, and other health-related programs".