Amend HB 1987 as follows:
      (1)  On page 3, lines 12 and 13, strike "may not take an
examination more than three times." and substitute the following:
must pass each part of an examination within three attempts, except
that an applicant who has passed all but one part of an examination
within three attempts may take the remaining part of the
examination one additional time.
      (l)  Notwithstanding Subsection (k) of this section, an
applicant is considered to have satisfied the requirements of this
section if the applicant:
            (1)  passed all but one part of an examination approved
by the board before September 1, 1993, within three attempts and
passed the remaining part of the examination within five attempts;
            (2)  is specialty board certified by:
                  (A)  a board that is a member of the American
Board of Medical Specialties; or
                  (B)  a specialty board approved by the American
Osteopathic Association;
            (3)  enrolled before September 1, 1993, in a
postgraduate medical training program in this state approved by the
board; and
            (4)  completed two years of postgraduate medical
training in this state approved by the board.
      (2)  On page 5, between lines 23 and 24, insert the following
SECTION, appropriately numbered, and renumber the subsequent
SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
      SECTION ____.  An applicant is considered to have satisfied
the requirements of Section 3.05, Medical Practice Act (Article
4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as amended by this Act, if,
before, on, or after the effective date of this Act, the applicant
passed all but one part of an examination within three attempts and
passed the remaining part of the examination on the fourth attempt.