Amend HB 2202 (Senate Committee Printing) as follows:
      On page 2, line 59 strike "of education and the commissioner"
      On page 2, line 60 strike "jointly".
      On page 2, line 63 strike "commissioners" and substitute
      On page 3, line 7 strike "and".
      On page 3, line 10 after "student" insert "(3)  The
commissioner of public health shall adopt rules establishing
standards for health care centers funded through grants that place
primary emphasis on delivery of health services and secondary
emphasis on population-based models that prevent emerging health
threats; and
      (4)  All programs should be designed to meet the following
            (A)  reducing student absenteeism;
            (B)  increasing a student's ability to meet the
student's academic potential; and
            (C)  stabilizing the physical well-being of a student."
      On page 3, line 11 strike all of Subsection (q).
      On page 3, line 34 strike "r" and insert "q".
      On page 3, line 35 strike "education and the commissioner
      On page 3, line 36 strike "jointly".
      On page 3, line 44 strike "commissioners" and insert
      On page 3, line 47 strike "s" and insert "r"
      On page 3, line 47 strike "education and the commissioner
      On page 3, line 51 strike "r" and insert "q".
      On page 4, line 5 strike all of Subsection (c).
      Renumber accordingly.