Amend CSHB 2415 as follows:
      (1)  On page 2, lines 2 through 7, strike "If the course is
to be offered in a county which has a population of more than
115,000 persons, according to the last preceding federal census,
and which has no state-supported senior college or university
within its boundaries, it must also be established that any other
college or university in the county is not able and willing to
offer the course." and substitute "<If the course is to be offered
in a county which has a population of more than 115,000 persons,
according to the last preceding federal census, and which has no
state-supported senior college or university within its boundaries,
it must also be established that any other college or university in
the county is not able and willing to offer the course.>".
      (2)  On page 2, lines 10 through 11, strike ", under the
provisions of Subsection (a)" and substitute "<, under the
provisions of Subsection (a)>".