Amend HB 2844 by striking all below the enacting clause and
substituting the following:
      SECTION 1.  Section 351.001(2), Tax Code, is amended to read
as follows:
            (2)  "Convention center facilities" or "convention
center complex" means facilities that are primarily used to host
conventions and meetings. The term means civic centers, civic
center buildings, auditoriums, and exhibition halls<, and
coliseums> that are owned by the municipality or other governmental
entity or that are managed in whole or part by the municipality.
In a municipality with a population of 1.5 million or more,
"convention center facilities" or "convention center complex" means
civic centers, civic center buildings, auditoriums, exhibition
halls, and coliseums that are owned by the municipality or other
governmental entity or that are managed in part by the
municipality, hotels owned by the municipality or a nonprofit
municipally sponsored local government corporation created under
Chapter 431, Transportation Code, within 1,000 feet of a convention
center owned by the <a> municipality <with a population of
1,500,000 or more>, or a historic hotel owned by the <a>
municipality or a nonprofit municipally sponsored local government
corporation created under Chapter 431, Transportation Code, within
one mile of a convention center owned by the <a> municipality <with
a population of 1,500,000 or more>.  The term includes parking
areas or facilities that are for the parking or storage of
conveyances and that are located at or in the vicinity of other
convention center facilities.  The term also includes a hotel owned
by or located on land that is owned by an eligible central
municipality or by a nonprofit corporation acting on behalf of an
eligible central municipality and that is located within 1,000 feet
of a convention center facility owned by the municipality.
      SECTION 2.  Section 351.102, Tax Code, is amended by adding
Subsection (c) to read as follows:
      (c)  An eligible central municipality may pledge the revenue
derived from the tax imposed under this chapter from a hotel
project that is owned by or located on land owned by the
municipality or by a nonprofit corporation acting on behalf of an
eligible central municipality and that is located within 1,000 feet
of a convention center facility owned by the municipality for the
payment of bonds or other obligations issued or incurred to
acquire, lease, construct, and equip the hotel and any facilities
ancillary to the hotel, including shops and parking facilities.
For bonds or other obligations issued under this subsection, an
eligible central municipality may only pledge revenue or other
assets of the hotel project benefiting from those bonds or other
      SECTION 3.  Section 2, Chapter 63, Acts of the 59th
Legislature, Regular Session, 1965 (Article 1269j-4.1, Vernon's
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding Subsection (c) to read
as follows:
      (c)  An eligible central municipality, as defined by Section
351.001, Tax Code, may establish, acquire, lease as lessee or
lessor, purchase, construct, improve, enlarge, equip, repair,
operate, or maintain a hotel, and any facilities ancillary to the
hotel, including shops and parking facilities, that are owned by or
located on land owned by the municipality or by a nonprofit
corporation acting on behalf of an eligible central municipality
and that is located within 1,000 feet of a convention center
facility owned by the municipality.  An eligible central
municipality may also issue bonds or incur other obligations to
acquire, lease, construct, or equip a hotel and any facilities
ancillary to the hotel, including shops and parking facilities,
that are owned by or located on land owned by the municipality or
by a nonprofit corporation acting on behalf of an eligible central
municipality and that is located within 1,000 feet of a convention
center owned by the municipality.
      SECTION 4.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
      (b)  This Act does not apply to the use of tax revenue
pledged to secure bonds issued before the effective date of this
Act.  Tax revenue pledged to secure bonds issued before the
effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the
date the bonds were issued, and that law is continued in effect for
that purpose.
      (c)  This Act does not apply to the use of tax revenue
pledged or dedicated before the effective date of this Act for the
acquisition of sites for and the construction, improvement,
enlarging, equipping, repairing, operation, and maintenance of
convention center facilities.  Tax revenue pledged for these
purposes before the effective date of this Act is governed by the
law in effect on the date the revenue was pledged, and that law is
continued in effect for that purpose.
      (d)  This Act does not apply to the use of tax revenue for a
convention center complex that was under construction on the
effective date of this Act, including the pledging of such revenue
to secure bonds, additional bonds, and refunding bonds.  Tax
revenue used for a convention center complex that was under
construction on the effective date of this Act is governed by the
law in effect on April 1, 1999, and that law is continued in effect
for that purpose.
      SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the
crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby