Amend CSHB 3603 by adding the following appropriately
numbered SECTIONS and renumbering existing SECTIONS of the bill
      SECTION ____.  Subchapter A, Chapter 5, Insurance Code, is
amended by adding Article 5.06-7 to read as follows:
FACTS.  (a)  In this article, "insurer" means an insurance company,
interinsurance exchange, mutual, capital stock company, fraternal
benefit society, local mutual aid association, county mutual,
reciprocal, association, Lloyd's plan, or other entity writing
motor vehicle insurance in this state.  The term includes an
affiliate, as defined by Section 2, Article 21.49-1, of this code.
      (b)  An insurer may not require a third party claimant to
give a statement of the facts relating to a motor vehicle insurance
claim as a condition of  determining whether to pay or settle the
claim unless the third party claimant is given an opportunity to
obtain a statement in a similar format from the insurer's insured.
This article does not apply if the insured is unable to give a
statement for a reason outside the insurer's control.
      SECTION ____.  Article 5.06-7, Insurance Code, as added by
this Act, applies only to a motor vehicle insurance claim that
accrues on or after September 1, 1999.  A claim that accrues before
September 1, 1999, is governed by the law as it existed immediately
before that date, and that law is continued in effect for that