Amend HCR 59 as follows:
      On Page 2, line 2, after the words "existence of healthy
wetlands and beaches" insert the words "and protection of wildlife"
      On Page 2, between line 3 and line 4, insert:
      "WHEREAS, the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund was
established by Congress in 1964 and has been one of the most
successful and far reaching pieces of conservation and recreation
legislation using as its funding source the revenues from oil and
gas activity on the Outer Continental Shelf, and
      WHEREAS, the game and non-game wildlife resources of this
state are a vital natural resource and provide enjoyment and other
benefits for current and future generations, and"
      On Page 2, line 9, after the word "WHEREAS" strike <S.25, the
Conservation and Reinvestment Act of 1999> and insert "several bills
      On Page 2, line 10, after the words "currently before the
United States Congress" insert the word "that"
      On Page 2, line 12, after the words "and local communities"
insert the words "for wildlife protection, conservation, and
coastal impact projects"
      On Page 2, between line 12 and line 13 insert
      "WHEREAS, States and local communities know best how to
allocate resources to address their needs and block grants will
provide the best means for distributing funds; and"
      On Page 2, line 17, after the words "life and economic"
insert the words "and environmental"
      On Page 2, line 21, strike the words "<S.25, the Conservation
and Reinvestment Act of 1999>" and insert the words "legislation
embodying these principles"