Floor Packet Page No. 83
      Amend CSSB 4 as follows:
      (1)   In SECTION 1.22 of the bill, in amended Section 21.402,
Education Code (committee printing, page 23, line 25), between
"$300" and ".", insert ",except as provided by Subsection (h)."
      (2)  In SECTION 1.22 of the bill in amended Section 21.402,
Education Code, add Subsection (h) to read as follows:
      (h)  For a classroom teacher, if fewer than 70% of a
classroom teacher's students pass the TAAS, the funds provided for
in Subsection (c-1) (2) will revert to the district to be used to
fund a program aimed at improving the classroom teacher's ability
to prepare students academically.