Amend CSSB 5 as follows:
1.  In Section 2 of the bill, Sec. 171.751 (page 2, line 49) insert
a new subsection (1) to read as follows and renumber the subsequent
subsections appropriately.
      (1)  "Agricultural processing" means an establishment
primarily engaged in activities described in categories 2011-2099,
2211, 2231, or 3111-3199 of the 1987 Standard Industrial
Classification Manual published by the federal Office of Management
and Budget.
2.  In Section 2 of the bill, Sec. 171.751(7) (page 3, line 12),
insert "agricultural processing," in between "in" and "central".
3.  Amend Section 2 of the bill, Sec. 171.751(8)(a) (page 3, line
15 through line 17), to read as follows:
      (8)  "Qualifying job" means a new permanent full-time job
            (A)  is located in:
                  (i)  a strategic investment area; or
                  (ii)  a county with a population of less than
250,000, if the job is created by a business primarily engaged in
agricultural processing;
4.  In Section 2 of the bill, Section 171.752(b) (page 3, line 51)
in between "area" and "." insert ", if applicable".
5.  In Section 3 of the bill, Sec. 171.801 (1) (page 5, line 10)
insert "Agricultural processing," before the term "Central
administrative offices,".
6.  In Section 3 of the bill, Section 171.801(3) (page 5, line 19),
in between "area" and "and" insert ", or first placed in service in
a county with a population of less than 250,000 by a corporation
primarily engaged in agricultural processing,".
7.  In Section 3 of the bill, Section 171.802(c) (page 5, line 46)
in between "area" and "." insert ", if applicable".