Amend SB 7 on third reading by striking the text of second
reading amendment No. 27 and substituting:
      "Amend the Bailey Amendment to SB 7 (pages 31-33 proposed
amendments) as follows:
      (1) In item 2, in added Section 39.253 (d), Utilities Code
(page 2, line 6), strike "Subsection (b)" and substitute
"Subsection (c)"
      (2) In item 2, in added Section 39.253 (e), Utilities Code
(page 2, line 14), strike "Subsection (C)" and substitute
"Subsection (c)"
      (3) In item 2, in added Section 39.253 (e), Utilities Code
(page 2, line 15), strike "Subsection (D)" and substitute
"Subsection (d)"
      (4) In item 2, in added Section 39.253 (f), Utilities Code
(page 2, lines 21 and 22), strike "the total retail stranded costs,
including regulatory costs, of" and substitute "the total retail
stranded costs, including regulatory assets of"
      (5) In item 2, in added Section 39.253 (f), Utilities Code
(page 2, line 22), after "billion" and before the comma, insert "on
a statewide basis""