Amend CSSB 7 as follows:
      (1)  in SECTION 33, Subsection 39.001(a) of the bill
(Committee Printing page 13, line 3), by inserting "The legislature
finds that the production and sale of electricity is not by
definition or necessity a monopoly warranting regulation of rates,
operations, and services, and that the public interest in
competitive electric markets requires that, except for transmission
and distribution services and for the recovery of stranded costs,
electric services and their prices should be determined by customer
choices and the normal forces of competition.  As a result, this"
between "(a)" and "This", and striking "This";
      (2)  in SECTION 33, Subsection 39.001(b) of the bill
(Committee Printing page 13, line 19), by adding at the end of the
Subsection "(4)  protect the competitive process in a manner that
ensures the confidentiality of competitively sensitive information
during the transition to a competitive market and after the
commencement of customer choice.";
      (3)  in SECTION 33, by adding after the end of Subsection
39.001(b) of the bill (Committee Printing page 13, line 19), "(c)
Regulatory authorities shall not make rules or issue orders
regulating competitive electric services, prices, or competitors,
or restricting or conditioning competition, except as expressly
provided in this chapter, and shall not discriminate against any
participant, or type of participant, during the transition to a
competitive market and in the competitive market.";
      (4)  in SECTION 33, Subdivision 39.607(e)(2) of the bill
(Committee Printing page 41, line 41), by striking "or adopted" and
adding after the word "commission" at the end of the subdivision
"and may submit comments to the commission on such proposed rules";
      (5)  in SECTION 33, Subdivision 39.607(e)(4) of the bill
(Committee Printing page 41, lines 46-47), by inserting ", market
power" between "costs" and "and", striking "and market power",
inserting ", and regulation" between "power" and "on", and
inserting "the normal forces of" between "on" and "competition";
      (6)  in SECTION 33, Subsection 39.157(a) of the bill
(Committee Printing page 22, lines 38-50), by inserting "For the
purposes of this section, "market power abuse" means conduct that
violates the prohibitions in Subsection (a), (b), or (c) of Section
15.05 of the Business and Commerce Code.  (b)" between "(a)" and
"The", inserting "for" between "monitor" and "market", striking ",
transmission, distribution,", inserting "may invoke the remedies
provided for in Subsection 15.20(a) of the Business and Commerce
Code" between "commission" and "shall", striking "shall require
reasonable mitigation of the market power by ordering the
construction of additional transmission or distribution facilities,
by requiring a reduction of generation capacity through the auction
of generation capacity entitlements, by setting appropriate
restrictions on sales of electricity, by establishing limitations
on the use of generation, transmission, or distribution facilities,
or by any other reasonable remedy", and adding at the end of the
subsection "Alternatively, the commission may refer a finding of
market power abuse to the attorney general for investigation and
potential suit under Chapter 15, Title 2 of the Business and
Commerce Code.".