Amend CSSB 30 in SECTION 1, at the end of added Chapter 33,
Family Code, by inserting the following section:
WAIVED.  (a)  In this section:
            (1)  "Commissioner" means the commissioner of health
and human services.
            (2)  "State assistance program" means any program under
which medical or financial assistance is provided to individuals by
this state. The term includes the Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families program and the Medicaid program.
      (b)  A child born to a minor who sought, under Section 33.003
or 33.004, permission to obtain an abortion without notification
under Section 33.002, but who was denied that permission, is
eligible for benefits provided under any state assistance program
without regard to any other eligibility criteria imposed by law.
      (c)  The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary to
implement this section.
      (d)  The state may not use federal matching money to provide
benefits under this section to the extent prohibited by federal law
or regulation.