Amend CSSB 30 (recommitted, house committee printing) as
      (1) In SECTION 1, in added Section 33.002 (a), Family Code,
following "(a)" (page 1, line 23), strike "A physician" and
substitute "Except as provided by Section 33.011, a physician".
      (2) In SECTION 1, in added Section 33.003, Family Code,
following Subsection (n) (page 9, between lines 3 and 4), insert
new Subsection (o) to read as follows:
      (o) If the minor does not obtain a court order as described
by this section, the minor's right to proceed under Section 33.011
is not affected.
      (3) In SECTION 1, in added Section 33.004, Family Code,
following Subsection (f) (page 10, between lines 21 and 22), insert
new Subsection (g) to read as follows:
      (g) If the minor does not prevail in an appeal under this
section, the minor's right to proceed under Section 33.011 is not
      (4) In SECTION 1, following added Section 33.010, Family Code
(page 13, between lines 4 and 5), insert new Section 33.011 to read
as follows:
      Sec. 33.011.  ALTERNATE RELATIVE NOTICE.  (a) A physician may
perform an abortion without providing notice under Section 33.002
if any person listed in Section 32.001 (a) (1), or a person listed
in Section 32.001 (a) (2) or (3) who is at least 25 years of age:
            (1) confirms that the minor has not resided with either
parent or managing conservator for the 30 days preceding the date
of the affidavit and has no court-appointed guardian;
            (2) determines, according to the person's best
information and belief, that:
                  (A) notification under Section 33.002 would not
be in the best interest of the minor; or
                  (B) the minor is mature and sufficiently well
informed to make the decision to have an abortion performed without
notification to either of her parents or a managing conservator;
            (3) executes, in person and on the premises of the
facility in whch the abortion is to be performed, an affidavit to
the physician who is to perform the abortion that:
                  (A) states that the person has made the
determination described by Subdivision (1);
                  (B) verifies the identity of the person making
the affidavit; and
                  (C) indicates the relationship of the person
making the affidavit to the pregnant minor, as described by Section
32.001 (a) (1), (2), or (3).
      (b) A physician who performs an abortion under this section
may include a copy of the affidavit described by Subsection (a) in
the minor's medical record.
      (c) It is a defense to prosecution under this chapter that
the person executing the affidavit authorized by this section
executes a false affidavit.  The defense established by this
subsection does not apply if the physician is shown to have had
independent knowledge that the affidavit is false.
      (d) An affidavit executed under this section is confidential
and privileged and is not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552,
Government Code.
      (e) If the minor does not obtain an affidavit described by
this section, the minor's right to proceed under Section 33.003 or
33.004 is not affected.