Amend SB 61 as follows:
(1) Strike Section 146.001, Health and Safety Code, as
amended by SECTION 2 of the bill (Senate committee printing, page
1, lines 16-38), and substitute the following:
Sec. 146.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
(1) "Body piercing" means the creation of an opening
in an individual's body to insert jewelry or another decoration.
(2) "Body piercing studio" means a facility in which
body piercing is performed.
(3) "Ear piercing" means the creation of an opening in
the external part of an individual's ear to insert jewelry or
another decoration.
(4) "Tattoo" means the practice of producing an
indelible mark or figure on the human body by scarring or inserting
a pigment under the skin using needles, scalpels, or other related
(5) <(2)> "Tattooist" means a person who performs
(6) <(3)> "Tattoo studio" means an establishment or
facility in which tattooing is performed.
(7) <(4)> "Temporary location" means a fixed location
at which an individual operator performs tattooing or body
piercing for a specified period of not more than seven days in
conjunction with a single event or celebration, where the primary
function of the event or celebration is tattooing or body piercing.
(2) In Section 146.008, Health and Safety Code, as amended
by SECTION 8 of the bill, strike "or body piercing professional" in
each of the two places the phrase appears (Senate committee
printing, page 2, lines 53 and 57) and substitute in each of these
places "or person who performs body piercing".
(3) In Section 146.011(a), Health and Safety Code, as
amended by SECTION 11 of the bill, strike "or body piercing
professional" (Senate committee printing, page 3, line 13) and
substitute "or person who performs body piercing".
(4) In Section 146.011(b), Health and Safety Code, as
amended by SECTION 11 of the bill, strike "or body piercing
professional" (Senate committee printing, page 3, line 16) and
substitute "or person who performs body piercing".
(5) Strike Section 146.0125(a), Health and Safety Code, as
added by SECTION 12 of the bill (Senate committee printing, page 3,
lines 22-25) and substitute:
(a) A person may not perform body piercing on an individual
younger than 18 years of age without the written and notarized
consent of a parent, managing conservator, or guardian of the
(6) In Section 146.013(a), Health and Safety Code, as
amended by SECTION 13 of the bill, strike the added sentence
(Senate committee printing, page 3, lines 34-36) and substitute:
A person who performs body piercing shall maintain a permanent
record of each individual whose body is pierced by the person for a
period established by the board.
(7) In SECTION 16(b) of the bill (Senate committee printing,
page 3, line 62), strike "a body piercing professional" and
substitute "a person who performs body piercing".