Amend CSSB 89 as follows:
      (1)  Add a new SECTION 11 to the bill (Committee Printing
page 32, between lines 23 and 24) to read as follows and renumber
subsequent sections of the bill appropriately:
      SECTION 11.  Subchapter D, Chapter 43, Local Government Code,
is amended by adding Section 43.0753 to read as follows:
FOR ANNEXATION REQUIRED.  (a)  In this section, "district" has the
meaning assigned by Section 43.0751(a). 
      (b)  If on or after September 1, 1997, and before September
1, 1999, a district entered into an agreement with a municipality
deferring annexation for a specific period and consenting to
annexation at a future date, the district may request the
municipality to and the municipality, on request, shall renegotiate
the agreement.
      (2)  In SECTION 16 of the bill, in Subsections (a), (c), and
(g), correct the references to specific sections of the bill to
take into account the renumbering of the sections of the bill
required by item (1) of this amendment, and in correcting those
references, do not include a reference to the section added by item
(1) of this amendment.