Amend the Hamric amendment to CSSB 89 as follows:
      (1)  Strike Section 43.0215(b), Local Government Code (Hamric
Amendment page 1, lines 6-12) and substitute the following:
      (b)  The municipality may not annex an area for full or
limited purposes unless:
            (1)  the municipality holds an election on the question
of annexation in the area proposed for annexation and in the
municipality proposing the annexation; and
            (2)  a majority of the votes received at the election
approve the annexation.
      (c)  The area may not petition for another vote on the
question of annexation under this section.
      (2)  In section 43.0215(c), Local Government Code (Hamric
Amendment page 1, line 13), strike "(c)" and substitute "(d)".
      (3)  In section 43.0215(d), Local Government Code (Hamric
Amendment page 1, line 20), strike "(d)" and substitute "(e)".