Amend CSSB 89 as follows: (1) Add the following appropriately numbered section to the bill and renumber subsequent sections of the bill appropriately: SECTION ____. Subchapter B, Chapter 43, Local Government Code, is amended by adding Section 43.035 to read as follows: Sec. 43.035. COUNTY APPROVAL REQUIRED FOR ANNEXATION OR EXTENSION OF EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION IN CERTAIN AREAS. (a) In this section, "priority groundwater management area" has the meaning assigned by Section 35.002, Water Code. (b) This section applies only to the annexation of an area or the extension by annexation of extraterritorial jurisdiction in an area that is located in a county that is designated in whole or in part as a priority groundwater management area. (c) A municipality may not annex an area or extend by annexation its extraterritorial jurisdiction in an area that is located outside the county in which a majority of the territory of the municipality is located unless the municipality obtains approval for the annexation or extension of extraterritorial jurisdiction from the commissioners court of each county in which the area is located. (2) In SECTION 16 of the bill, in Subsections (a), (c), and (g) (Committee Printing, page 37, line 15; page 37, line 21; and page 39, line 6), correct the references to specific sections of the bill to take into account the renumbering of the sections of the bill required by item (1) of this amendment, and in correcting those references in Subsection (c) include a reference to the section added by item (1) of this amendment. (3) In SECTION 16 of the bill, strike Subsections (d) and (e) (Committee Printing, page 38, lines 4-21) and substitute the following: (d) The changes in law made by this Act in Sections 43.002, 43.035, 43.0545, 43.056(b), (c), (e), (f), (g), (l), and (m), 43.121(a), 43.141(c), 43.148, and 43.905, Local Government Code, as added or amended by this Act, apply to the annexation of an area that is not included in the municipality's annexation plan during the period beginning December 31, 1999, and ending December 31, 2002, if the first hearing notice required by Section 43.052, Local Government Code, as it existed immediately before September 1, 1999, is published on or after that date. (e) The changes in law made by this Act in Sections 43.002, 43.035, 43.0545, 43.056(b), (c), (e), (f), (g), (l), and (m), 43.121(a), 43.141(c), 43.148, and 43.905, Local Government Code, as added or amended by this Act, apply to the annexation of an area that is not required to be included in a municipal annexation plan under Section 43.052, Local Government Code, as amended by this Act, if the first hearing notice required by Section 43.063, Local Government Code, as added by this Act, is published on or after September 1, 1999. (4) In SECTION 16 of the bill (Committee Printing, page 39, between lines 13 and 14), add Subsection (h) to read as follows: (h) The changes in law made by this Act by the addition of Section 43.035, Local Government Code, apply only to an annexation for which the first hearing notice required by Section 43.0561 or 43.063, Local Government Code, as added by this Act, is published on or after September 1, 1999. An annexation for which the first hearing notice required by Section 43.052, as it existed immediately before September 1, 1999, is published before September 1, 1999, is governed by the law in effect at the time the notice is published, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.