Amend CSSB 89 by striking Section 43.056(b), Local Government
Code (Committee Printing page 11, line 11, through page 12, line 6)
and substituting the following:
(b) The service plan must include a program under which the
municipality will provide full municipal services in the annexed
area no later than 2-1/2 <4-1/2> years after the effective date of
the annexation, in accordance with Subsection (e), unless that
period is extended by an arbitration decision issued under this
chapter or by agreement between the municipality and the party with
which the municipality is required to negotiate for services under
this subchapter <(d)>. If the area was annexed after December 1,
1998, and before September 1, 1999, the municipality shall provide
sewer services in the annexed area as provided by this subsection,
except that, no later than five years after the effective date of
the annexation, the municipality may not provide sewer services in
the annexed area in by means of a packing station. However, under
the program the municipality must provide the following services in
the area on <within 60 days after> the effective date of the
annexation of the area:
(1) police protection;
(2) fire protection;
(3) emergency medical services;
(4) solid waste collection;
(5) operation and <(4)> maintenance of water and
wastewater facilities in the annexed area that are not within the
service area of another water or wastewater utility;
(6) operation and <(5)> maintenance of roads and
streets, including road and street lighting;
(7) operation and <(6)> maintenance of parks,
playgrounds, and swimming pools; and
(8) operation and <(7)> maintenance of any other
publicly owned facility, building, or service.