Amend the Bosse amendment to CSSB 89 by striking Section
43.052(h), Local Government Code (Bosse Amendment page 1, line 13,
through page 2, line 18) and substituting the following:
      (h)  This section does not apply to an area proposed for
annexation if:
            (1)  the area will be annexed by vote or petition of
the qualified voters or property owners as provided by Subchapter
            (2)  the area is included within the boundaries of a
special district and the area is annexed at the request of the
            (3)  the area is the subject of an industrial district
contract under Section 42.044;
            (4)  the area is located in a colonia, as that term is
defined by Section 2306.581, Government Code;
            (5)  the area is annexed under Section 43.026, 43.027,
43.029, or 43.031; or
            (6)  the municipality determines that the annexation of
the area is necessary to protect the area proposed for annexation
or the municipality from:
                  (A)  imminent destruction of property or injury
to persons; or
                  (B)  a condition or use that constitutes a public
or private nuisance as defined by background principles of nuisance
and property law of this state.