Amend CSSB 89 as follows:
      (1)  In SECTION 7 of the bill, strike added Section
43.0561(c), Local Government Code (Committee Printing, page 19,
line 27 through page 20, line 11), and substitute the following:
      (c)  The municipality must post notice of the hearings on the
municipality's Internet website if the municipality has an internet
website and publish notice of the hearings in a newspaper of
general circulation in the municipality and in the area proposed
for annexation. The notice for each hearing must be posted and
published at least once on or after the 20th day but before the
10th day before the date of the hearing. The municipality must give
additional notice by certified mail to:
            (1)  each public entity, as defined by Section 43.053,
and utility service provider that provides services in the area
proposed for annexation; and
            (2)  each railroad company that serves the municipality
and is on the municipality's tax roll if the company's right-of-way
is in the area proposed for annexation.
      (2)  In SECTION 8 of the bill, strike added Section
43.063(c), Local Government Code (Committee Printing, page 29,
lines 10-18), and substitute the following:
      (c)  The municipality must post notice of the hearings on the
municipality's Internet website if the municipality has an Internet
website and publish notice of the hearings in a newspaper of
general circulation in the municipality and in the area proposed
for annexation. The notice for each hearing must be posted and
published at least once on or after the 20th day but before the
10th day before the date of the hearing. The municipality must give
additional notice by certified mail to each railroad company that
serves the municipality and is on the municipality's tax roll if
the company's right-of-way is in the area proposed for annexation.