Amend CSSB 89 in SECTION 4 of the bill (Committee Printing
page 3, lines 1-13) by striking Section 43.052(f), Local Government
Code, and substituting the following:
      (f)  This section does not apply to an area proposed for
annexation if:
            (1)  the area has fewer than 250 permanent residents;
            (2)  the area will be annexed by vote or petition of
the qualified voters or property owners as provided by Subchapter
            (3)  the area is the subject of an industrial district
contract under Section 42.044;
            (4)  the area is located in a colonia, as that term is
defined by Section 2306.581, Government Code;
            (5)  the area is annexed under Section 43.026, 43.027,
43.029, or 43.031; or
            (6)  the municipality determines that the annexation of
the area is necessary to protect the public health or safety.