Amend CSSB 103, Section 4 by adding new subsections (l) and
(m) to read as follows:
      "(l) No entity that holds a contract or subcontract for the
statewide academic skills assessment instruments in this state
shall disclose secure test materials to unauthorized entities,
including developers of textbooks.  As a precondition to entering
into any contract or subcontract for such an assessment instrument,
the entity seeking such contract shall certify to this state that
it has not disclosed, and will not disclose, secure test materials
to unauthorized entities, including developers of textbooks.
      (m) No entity that holds a contract or subcontract for the
statewide academic skills assessment instruments in this state
shall, during the term of such contract, engage in written or
publicly broadcast advertising of that contract in connection with
promoting its textbooks, or those of any affiliated corporation,
partnership or subsidiary."