Amend CSSB 178 as follows: (1) In SECTION 30 of the bill (Committee Printing page 9, line 33), strike "the administrative head or the presiding officer of the governing body of the institution certifies to the Legislative Budget Board that an appropriation of educational and general funds will not be required in the future to operate, maintain, repair, or construct a building on the property." and substitute "done consistently with rules and regulations adopted by the Higher Education Coordinating Board pursuant to its power to adopt such rules and regulations under Section 61, Education Code." (2) In SECTION 32 of the bill, at the end of Subsection (a) (Committee Printing page 9, line 66), add "This section does not prohibit an agency from entering into a professional services contract with a corporation, firm, or other business entity that employs a former or retired employee of the agency within one year of the employee leaving the agency, provided that the former or retired employee does not perform services on projects for the corporation, firm, or other business entity that the employee worked on while employed by the agency."