Amend SB 371 as follows: (1) In SECTION 1 of the bill, immediately after proposed Section 501.148, Government Code (page 10, line 26, Senate Engrossment), add new Sections 501.149 and 501.1491, Government Code, to read as follows: Sec. 501.149. USE OF RURAL HOSPITAL CONTRACTS. The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and the Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, in conjunction with the committee, shall develop and implement a comprehensive plan for expanding the use of rural hospital contracts for inmate care. The plan must include measures designed to reduce inmate transportation costs, including transportation-related security costs, and health care costs. Sec. 501.1491. REPORT TO LEGISLATURE. The Correctional Managed Health Care Committee shall report to the 77th Legislature regarding the progress made in expanding the use of rural hospital contracts in providing inmate health care services and reducing inmate transportation and health care costs. The report must include implementation plans, a timetable, and an analysis of costs incurred and savings realized through expanding the use of rural hospital contracts. This section expires September 1, 2001. (2) In SECTION 1 of the bill, (page 11, line 1 to page 12, line 16, Senate Engrossment), renumber proposed Sections 501.149, 501.150, and 501.151, Government Code, as Sections 501.150, 501.151, and 501.152, Government Code, respectively. (3) Add a new SECTION 5 to the bill to read as follows and renumber the subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly: SECTION 5. The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and the Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, in conjunction with the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee, shall develop and begin implementation of the comprehensive plan required by Section 501.149, Government Code, as added by this Act, not later than January 1, 2000.