Amend CSSB 445 as follows:
      (1)  In Section 62.101(a)(3), as added by SECTION 1 of the
bill (page 9, lines 19-22, house committee printing), strike ",
except that this subdivision shall not apply if the cost to the
child's family of the health benefits plan covering the child
exceeds 10 percent of the family net income".
      (2)  Strike Sections 62.154(b) and (c), as added by SECTION 1
of the bill, (page 15, line 8-25, house committee printing), and
substitute the following:
      (b)  A child is not subject to a waiting period adopted under
Subsection (a) if:
            (1)  the family lost coverage for the child as a result
                  (A)  termination of employment because of a
layoff or business closing;
                  (B)  termination of continuation coverage under
the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (Pub. L.
No. 99-272);
                  (C)  a change in marital status of a parent of
the child;
                  (D)  termination of the child's Medicaid
eligibility because:
                        (i)  the child's family's earnings or
resources increased; or
                        (ii)  the child reached an age at which
Medicaid coverage is not available; or
                  (E)  a similar circumstance resulting in the
involuntary loss of coverage;
            (2)  the family terminated health benefits plan
coverage for the child because the cost to the child's family for
the coverage exceeded 10 percent of the family's net income; or
            (3)  the commission has determined that other grounds
exist for a good cause exception.
      (c)  A child described by Subsection (b) may enroll in the
child health plan program at any time, without regard to any open
enrollment period established under the enrollment procedures.