Amend CSSB 445 as follows:
      (1) Strike Section 62.055 (a), Health and Safety Code, as
added by SECTION 1 of the bill (page 6, lines 8-16, house committee
printing), and substitute:
      (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter and
except as provided by this subsection, in administering the child
health plan, the commission shall contract with the Texas Healthy
Kids Corporation under Subchapter F, Chapter 109, to obtain health
benefit plan coverage for children who are eligible for coverage
under the state child health plan.  If the board of directors of
the Texas Healthy Kids Corporation, by a vote of the board,
determines that the corporation is unable to implement the child
health plan on a statewide basis, the commission may not contract
with the Texas Healthy Kids Corporation under this section but may
contract with:
            (1) a third party administrator to provide eligibility
screening, enrollment procedures, or related services under the
state child health plan; or
            (2) another entity to obtain health benefit plan
coverage for children who are eligible for coverage under the state
child health plan.
      (2) In Section 62.055 (b), Health and Safety Code, as added
by SECTION 1 of the bill (page 6, line 17, house committee
printing), strike "or other entity" and substitute ", the Texas
Healthy Kids Corporation, or other entity".
      (3) In Section 62.055 (c), Health and Safety Code, as added
by SECTION 1 of the bill (page 6, lines 21-22, house committee
printing), strike "If the commission elects to contract with a
third party administrator or other entity as described in
Subsection (a), the" and substitute "The".