Amend SB 463 by adding the following appropriately numbered section to the bill and renumbering subsequent sections of the bill appropriately: SECTION 2. (a) Not later than January 31, 2000, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall transfer to Mitchell County the real property described by Subsection (e) of this section. (b) Mitchell County may use the property transferred under this Act only for a purpose that benefits the public interest of the state. If Mitchell County no longer uses the property for a purpose that benefits the public interest of the state, Mitchell County shall sell the property for fair market value under the procedures provided by Section 272.001, Local Government Code, and forward the proceeds of the sale to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall deposit proceeds received from the sale of the property as provided by this subsection in the Texas capital trust fund. (c) The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall transfer the property by an appropriate instrument of transfer. The instrument of transfer must include a provision that: (1) requires Mitchell County to use the property only for a purpose that benefits the public interest of the state; and (2) requires Mitchell County to sell the property and forward the proceeds of the sale to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as provided by Subsection (b) of this section if Mitchell County no longer uses the property for a purpose that benefits the public interest of the state. (d) The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall retain custody of the instrument of transfer after the instrument of transfer is filed in the real property records of Mitchell County. (e) The real property referred to in this section is a tract or parcel not to exceed 63.68 ACRES OF LAND OUT OF SECTION 32, BLOCK 26, T & P RWY. SURVEYS, COLORADO CITY, MITCHELL COUNTY, TEXAS. DESCRIBED FURTHER BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING: AT AN IRON PIN IN THE EAST R/W OF ROGERS ROAD THAT IS N 77~ 00' 00" E--46.7' FROM THE S.W. CORNER OF BLOCK 1 OF THE J.L. HART ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF COLORADO CITY AND S 12~ 55' 35" E--28.8' FROM A CONCRETE R/W MONUMENT IN THE EAST R/W OF INTERSTATE 20 THENCE: N 12~ 55' 35" W--162.4' ALONG THE EAST R/W OF ROGERS ROAD TO A POINT IN THE EAST R/W OF INTERSTATE 20 THENCE: N 08~ 51' 11" W--607.9' ALONG SAID EAST R/W TO A POINT IN THE SOUTH R/W OF INTERSTATE 20 THENCE: N 42~ 32' 16" E--383.4' ALONG SAID SOUTH R/W THENCE: ALONG SAID SOUTH R/W ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT SUCH THAT AND THE CHORD BEARS N 66~ 30' 22" E--1242.5' THENCE: N 76~ 17' 35" E--909.9' ALONG SAID SOUTH R/W TO A FOUND IRON PIN THENCE: S 12~ 59' 26" E--1177.1' TO AN IRON PIN IN THE NORTH R/W OF MORALES STREET THENCE: S 73~ 13' 25" W--379.1' ALONG SAID NORTH R/W THENCE: S 75~ 05' 41" W--692.4' ALONG SAID NORTH R/W THENCE: S 77~ 04' 42" W--1421.3' ALONG SAID NORTH R/W TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 63.68 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS. SAVE AND EXCEPT ALL OF BLOCK 9, THE EAST 1/2 OF BLOCK 11, LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5, IN BLOCK 8, LOTS 23 AND 24 IN BLOCK 7, LOTS 1, 2, 4, 13, 14, 20, 22, 23 AND 24 IN BLOCK 10, ALL IN THE AUSTIN HEIGHTS ADDITION #2 (A SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 4, 5, 6 AND 7 OF THE J.L. HART ADDITION TO COLORADO CITY), AND ALL OF THE STREETS AND ALLEYS IN SAID AUSTIN HEIGHTS ADDITION #2.