Amend CSSB 666 by striking SECTION 1 of the bill (Committee
Printing, page 1, lines 14-39), and substituting the following:
      SECTION 1.  Section 31.012, Human Resources Code, is amended
by amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (f) to read as
      (c)  A person who is the caretaker of a physically or
mentally disabled child who requires the caretaker's presence is
not required to participate in a program under this section.
Effective January 1, 2000, a single person who is the caretaker of
a child <September 1, 1995, a person> is not required to
participate in a program under this section until the caretaker's
<person's> youngest child at the time the caretaker <person> first
became eligible for assistance reaches the age of three <five>.
Effective September 1, 2000 <1997>, a single person who is the
caretaker of a child is exempt until the caretaker's <person's>
youngest child at the time the caretaker <person> first became
eligible for assistance reaches the age of two <four>.  Effective
September 1, 2001, a single person who is the caretaker of a child
is exempt until the caretaker's youngest child at the time the
caretaker first became eligible for assistance reaches the age of
one.  Notwithstanding Sections 31.0035(b) and 32.0255(b), the
department shall provide to a person who is exempt under this
subsection and who voluntarily participates in a program under
Subsection (a)(2) six months of transitional benefits in addition
to the applicable limit prescribed by Section 31.0065.
      (f)  In this section, "caretaker of a child" means the parent
or relative of a dependent child with whom the child primarily
resides, including a parent or relative who has been appointed
under a court order as sole managing conservator or joint managing
conservator of the child.