Amend SB 693 as follows:
      (1)  Add a new SECTION 1 to read as follows:
      "SECTION 1.  Section 26.04(e), Tax Code, is amended to read
as follows:
      (e)  By August 7 or as soon thereafter as practicable, the
designated officer or employee shall submit the rates to the
governing body.  He shall deliver by mail to each property owner in
the unit or publish in a newspaper in the form prescribed by the
            (1)  the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate, and
an explanation of how they were calculated;
            (2)  the estimated amount of interest and sinking fund
balances and the estimated amount of maintenance and operation or
general fund balances remaining at the end of the current fiscal
year that are not encumbered with or by corresponding existing debt
obligation, except that for a school district, estimated funds
necessary for the operation of the district prior to the receipt of
the first state education aid payment in the succeeding school year
shall be subtracted from the estimated fund balances;
            (3)  a schedule of the unit's debt obligations showing:
                  (A)  the amount of principal and interest that
will be paid to service the unit's debts in the next year from
property tax revenue, including payments of lawfully incurred
contractual obligations providing security for the payment of the
principal of and interest on bonds and other evidences of
indebtedness issued on behalf of the unit by another political
subdivision and, if the unit is created under Section 52, Article
III, or Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, payments on
debts that the unit anticipates to incur in the next calendar year;
                  (B)  the amount by which taxes imposed for debt
are to be increased because of the unit's anticipated collection
rate; and
                  (C)  the total of the amounts listed in
Paragraphs (A)-(B), less any amount collected in excess of the
previous year's anticipated collections certified as provided in
Subsection (b);
            (4)  the amount of additional sales and use tax revenue
anticipated in calculations under Section 26.041.
            (5)  a statement that the adoption of the effective tax
rate would result in an increase or decrease, as applicable, of
total property taxes levied in the unit as compared to last year's
levy, and the amount of such increase or decrease.
            (6) <(5)>  in the year that a taxing unit calculates an
adjustment under Subsection (i) or (j), the unit shall publish a
schedule that includes the following elements:
                  (A)  the name of the unit discontinuing the
department, function, or activity;
                  (B)  the amount of property tax revenue spent by
the unit listed under Paragraph (A) to operate the discontinued
department, function, or activity in the 12 months preceding the
month in which the calculations required by this chapter are made;
                  (C)  the name of the unit that operates a
distinct department, function, or activity in all or a majority of
the territory of a taxing unit that has discontinued operating the
distinct department, function, or activity; and
            (7) <(6)>  in the year following the year in which a
taxing unit raised its rollback rate as required by Subsection (j),
the taxing unit shall publish a schedule that includes the
following elements:
                  (A)  the amount of property tax revenue spent by
the unit to operate the department, function, or activity for which
the taxing unit raised the rollback rate as required by Subsection
(j) for the 12 months preceding the month in which the calculations
required by this chapter are made; and
                  (B)  the amount published by the unit in the
preceding tax year under Subdivision (6)(B) <(5)(B)>."
      (2)  Renumber subsequent sections of the bill accordingly.