Amend CSSB 766 (House Committee Report) as follows: (1) Between Sections 8 and 9 of the bill (page 15, between lines 25 and 26) insert the following: SECTION 9. (a) Section 382.0621(d), Health and Safety Code, is repealed. (b) The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission shall deposit any increase in the amount of fees collected under Section 382.0621, Health and Safety Code, as amended by this section, that results from the repeal of Subsection (d) of that section into a special account in the general revenue fund. Interest earned on the account shall be credited to the account. The account is exempt from the application of Section 403.095, Government Code. Money in the account may be appropriated only to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission for a use related to: (1) the small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program established under Section 382.0365, Health and Safety Code; and (2) any other clean air program funded by fees on emissions of air contaminants. (c) To the extent that this section conflicts with another law enacted by the 76th Legislature specifically regarding emissions reduction requirements for electric generating facilities, the other law prevails over this section. (2) Renumber the subsequent sections of the bill accordingly.