Amend SB 844 (senate engrossment) as follows:
      (1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike Subdivision (4) (page
1, lines 12-13) and substitute the following:
            (4)  a municipal police officer in a municipality with
a population of:
                  (A)  100,000 or more; or
                  (B)  74,000 or more in a county with a population
of more than 1.5 million; or
      (2)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, strike Subdivision (1) (page
1, lines 22-24) and substitute the following:
            (1)  to enforce this subchapter in any area of this
state other than in the territory of a municipality with a
population of more than:
                  (A)  100,000; or
                  (B)  74,000 in a county with a population of more
than 1.5 million; and