Amend CSSB 956 as follows:
      (1)  In SECTION 1.01 of the bill, strike Section 3(a)(19) of
amended Article 21.01, Insurance Code (page 2, lines 26-27, House
committee report printing), and substitute the following:
            (19)  a specialty license program established under
state law.
      (2)  In SECTION 1.10 of the bill, in Section 1A of amended
Article 21.07, Insurance Code, strike Subdivision (2) of that
section (page 27, lines 22-27, and page 28, lines 1-5, House
committee report printing) and substitute the following:
            (2)  "Bank" means:
                  (A)  a national banking association organized and
existing under the National Bank Acts (12 U.S.C. Section 21 et
                  (B)  a state bank organized and existing under
Subtitle A, Title 3, Finance Code;
                  (C)  a state savings bank organized under or
subject to Subtitle C, Title 3, Finance Code;
                  (D)  a bank branch;
                  (E)  a bank operating subsidiary, as defined by
state or federal law;
                  (F)  a savings and loan association organized and
existing under Subtitle B, Title 3, Finance Code; or
                  (G)  a federal savings and loan association or
federal savings bank.
      (3)  In SECTION 1.11 of the bill, strike Section 2(u) of
amended Article 21.07, Insurance Code (page 43, lines 18-22, House
committee report printing), and substitute the following:
      (u)  If a license holder does not maintain the qualifications
necessary to obtain the license, the department shall revoke or
suspend the license or deny the renewal of the license in
accordance with Article 21.01-2 of this code.
      (4)  In SECTION 2.01 of the bill, strike Section 3 of added
Article 21.07-1, Insurance Code (page 59, lines 3-8, House
committee report printing), and substitute the following:
person who holds a general life, accident, and health license
issued under the requirements of this subchapter may, without
obtaining an additional license, write additional types of
insurance contracts as provided under:
            (1)  Sections 4, 5, and 6 of this article; or
            (2)  a specialty license program established under
state law.
      (5)  In SECTION 2.01 of the bill, strike Section 4(b) of
added Article 21.07-1, Insurance Code (page 59, lines 12-27, and
page 60, lines 1-16, House committee report printing), and
substitute the following:
      (b)  This section applies to:
            (1)  an agent for an insurance company that writes only
job protection insurance;
            (2)  an agent writing policies or riders to policies
that provide only:
                  (A)  lump-sum cash benefits in the event of
accidental death, death by accidental means, or dismemberment; or
                  (B)  ambulance expense benefits in the event of
accident or sickness;
            (3)  an agent writing prepaid legal services contracts
under Article 5.13-1 or Chapter 23 of this code;
            (4)  an agent writing credit insurance except as
otherwise provided under a specialty license program established
under state law; and
            (5)  an agent writing any other type of insurance
required by the commissioner to be licensed for the protection of
the insurance consumers of this state.
      (6)  In SECTION 2.01 of the bill, strike Section 4(d) of
added Article 21.07-1, Insurance Code (page 60, lines 21-27, and
page 61, lines 1-8, House committee report printing), and reletter
the subsequent subsections of that section accordingly.
      (7)  In SECTION 2.01 of the bill, in Section 6(a) of added
Article 21.07-1, Insurance Code (page 63, line 10, House committee
report printing), strike "commission shall issue a license" and
substitute "commissioner shall issue a license".
      (8)  In SECTION 2.01 of the bill, add a new Subsection (e) to
Section 6, Article 21.07-1, Insurance Code (page 64, between lines
12 and 13, House committee report printing), as follows:
      (e)  A license is not required under this section for an
agent who wrote policies that generated, in the aggregate, less
than $20,000 in direct premium for the preceding calendar year.
      (9)  In SECTION 2.01 of the bill, redesignate Subsection (e),
Section 6, Article 21.07-1, Insurance Code (page 64, line 13, House
committee report printing), as Subsection (f).
      (10)  In SECTION 3.01 of the bill, strike Section 3 of
amended Article 21.14, Insurance Code (page 65, lines 22-26, House
committee report printing), and substitute the following:
person who holds a general property and casualty license issued
under this subchapter may write additional types of insurance
contracts as provided under:
            (1)  Sections 6 and 9 of this article; or
            (2)  a specialty license program established under
state law.
      (11)  In SECTION 3.01 of the bill, strike Section 6(a)(6) of
amended Article 21.14, Insurance Code (page 67, lines 19-21, House
committee report printing), and substitute the following:
            (6)  an agent writing credit insurance, except as
otherwise provided by a specialty license program established under
state law.
      (12)  In SECTION 4.01 of the bill, strike Section 1(d) of
amended Article 21.11, Insurance Code (page 113, lines 6-12, House
committee report printing), and substitute the following:
      (d)  The <(b)  An applicant for issuance of a license under
this section must meet the requirements for issuance of a license
under Article 21.14 of this code, except that the> department may
<shall> waive any <of those> license requirements for an applicant
with a valid license from another state or jurisdiction if:
            (1)  that state or jurisdiction has license
requirements substantially equivalent to those of this state; or
            (2)  the waiver is necessary to promote uniformity
among the various states in regard to insurance agent licensing