Amend SB 1364 by adding a new SECTION 2 to read as follows: "Section 253.032, Election Code, is amended by adding subsections (f) and (g): (f) Notwithstanding Section 253.003 or any other section of Title 15, Election Code, a candidate, officeholder or political committee shall not violate any provision of Title 15, Election Code, by accepting any contribution or transfer from any out-of-state political committee, regardless of such out-of-state political committee's compliance with any reporting requirement of Title 15, Election Code. (g) Out-of-state persons, including but not limited to out-of-state political committees, that make contributions or transfers of funds to a political party pursuant to Section 253.104 or Section 257.002 are exempt from the reporting requirements of this Title.". (h) Any federally-registered out-of-state political committee that contributes to a Texas candidate may satisfy the reporting requirements of Title 15, Election Code, by: (1) Filing with the commission a copy of its federal registration (Federal Election Commission Form 1 - Statement of Organization); and (2) Filing with the commission a copy of the committee's most recently filed Federal Election Commission finance report (Federal Election Commission Form 3 -- Report of Receipts and Disbursements) when a contribution is made to a Texas candidate or committee. Renumber the subsequent sections appropriately.