Amend CSSB 1613 as follows: In the caption of the bill, (page 1, line 12, committee printing) in between "counties" and "." strike "located near an international border". In Section 1 of the bill, Sec. 444.031 (page 1, line 16, committee printing) strike "BORDER ARTS INITIATIVE" and substitute "BORDER AND RURAL COMMUNITY ARTS INITIATIVE". In Section 1 of the bill, Sec. 444.031(a) (page 1, line 20, committee printing) in between "border" and "." insert "and in counties with a population of less than 50,000." In Section 1 of the bill, Sec. 444.031(b) (page 1, line 27, committee printing) in between "the" and "counties" strike "25".