Senate Research Center   H.B. 1051
76R12635 JMM-FBy: Brimer (Madla)
Health Services


Currently, more than 200,000 Texans have untreated glaucoma.  If this
disease is left untreated, it will lead to blindness.  There are currently
73 counties with resident ophthalmologists and 142 counties with
optometrists.  Forty-two states, excluding Texas, have authorized these
certified therapeutic optometrists to treat patients with glaucoma.
Therapeutic optometrists must pass a nationally certified exam that tests
their knowledge of the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma.  The Attorney
General has issued an opinion stating that the use of certain drug
classifications to regulate the practice of therapeutic optometrists is
appropriate.  This bill would authorize therapeutic optometrists to treat
certain diseases and conditions with specific classes of pharmaceuticals
and sets forth conditions under and protocol for which a therapeutic
optometrist may treat glaucoma.   


As proposed, H.B. 1051 authorizes therapeutic optometrists to treat certain
diseases and conditions with specific classes of pharmaceuticals and sets
forth conditions under and protocol for which a therapeutic optometrist may
treat glaucoma.   


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 1.02, Article 4552-1.02, V.T.C.S., by amending
Subdivision (7) and adding Subdivision (11), to redefine "practice of
therapeutic optometry" and define "surgery." Makes conforming and
nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 2. Amends Section 1.03, Article 4552-1.03, V.T.C.S., by amending
Subsections (b) and (d)-(g) and adding Subsections (h)-(r), as follows: 

(b) Authorizes a therapeutic optometrist to perform, as well as administer
or prescribe, ophthalmic procedures and certain appropriate medications.
Prohibits a therapeutic optometrist from performing surgery or laser
surgery.  Deletes over-the-counter oral medications and ocular
pharmaceutical agents other than antiviral agents and antiglaucoma agents
from a list of medications a therapeutic optometrist is allowed to
prescribe.  Deletes text authorizing therapeutic optometrists to perform
certain actions, and from using a topical steroid.   

(d) Requires the Texas Board of Health (board) to adopt the recommendations
submitted under Section 1.03A of this Act setting forth additional
classifications of certain authorized pharmaceutical agents.  Deletes
existing Subsections (e) and (f) regarding a technical advisory committee. 

(e) Redesignates existing Subsection (g) as Subsection (e).  Makes a
conforming change. 

(f) Authorizes a therapeutic optometrist to prescribe oral medications in
certain classifications of oral pharmaceuticals. 

 (g) Authorizes a therapeutic optometrist to independently administer oral
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors for emergency purposes only and requires the
optometrist to refer a patient to an ophthalmologist. 

(h) Authorizes a therapeutic optometrist to inject appropriate medication
for a patient who has a anaphylactic reaction to counteract the
anaphylaxis.  Requires the optometrist to immediately refer the patient to
a physician. 

(i) Requires a therapeutic optometrist to engage in consultation with an
ophthalmologist to develop an individual treatment plan approved by both
caretakers within a certain period of time.  Requires the parameters of the
consultation to be at the discretion of the ophthalmologist, but must at
least include confirmation of the diagnosis and a plan for comanagement of
the patient.   

(j) Requires a therapeutic optometrist required to engage in the
comanagement consultation with an ophthalmologist to inform the patient
diagnosed with glaucoma that the therapeutic optometrist is required to
have the diagnosis confirmed and comanaged with an ophthalmologist of the
patient's choosing, or if the patient does not choose an ophthalmologist,
an ophthalmologist practicing it the same geographic area as the
therapeutic optometrist practices. 

(k) Requires a therapeutic optometrist to refer a patient to an
ophthalmologist based on certain conditions with respect to the patient and
the patient's diagnosis. 

(l) Requires a therapeutic optometrist who refers a patient to a physician
or specialist to inform the patient that the patient may go to any
physician or specialist the patient chooses. Provides that this subsection
does not prevent a therapeutic optometrist from recommending a physician or

(m) Requires a therapeutic optometrist, upon diagnosing glaucoma, to set a
target pressure that is no more than 80 percent of the initial intraocular
pressure.  Provides that the patient's glaucoma is considered to not be
appropriately responding to treatment if the patient fails to achieve the
target pressure within an appropriate time. 

(n) Requires the optometrist to take a complete case history of the patient
and determine whether the patient has had a physical examination within a
certain period, before prescribing a beta blocker.  Requires the
optometrist to refer the patient to a physician for a physical examination
prior to initiating beta blocker therapy, if the patient has not had a
physical examination, or the patient has a history of certain illnesses. 

(o) Authorizes an optometrist who diagnoses acute closed angle glaucoma to
initiate appropriate emergency treatment for the patient, but requires the
optometrist to refer the patient in a timely manner. 

(p) Authorizes a physician to charge a reasonable consultation fee for a
consultation given as provided by this section. 

(q) Requires a physician to whom a patient is referred to forward to the
referring optometrist a written report on the results of the referral, by a
certain date.  Requires the optometrist to retain the report in the
patient's records.  Requires a physician who, for a medically appropriate
reason, does not return a patient to the therapeutic optometrist who
referred the patient, to state in the physician's report to the optometrist
the specific medical reason for failing to return the patient. 

(r) Prohibits an optometrist from administering or prescribing an oral or
parenteral medication or treating glaucoma without holding a certificate
issued by the board.  Requires a therapeutic optometrist certified under
this subsection to be known as an optometric glaucoma specialist.  Provides
that in order to obtain a certificate, a therapeutic optometrist must
complete certain review courses and pass an examination as required under
Section  1.03A of this Act. 

SECTION 3. Amends Article 4552-1.01, et seq., V.T.C.S., by adding Section
1.03A, as follows: 

the Optometric Health Care Advisory Committee (committee) consists of six
members. Sets forth the composition of the committee.   

(b).  Provides that the committee members serve staggered two-year terms,
with terms of half of the members expiring September 1 each year. 

(c) Sets forth certain recommendations the committee is required to make.

(d) Provides that a person is ineligible for appointment as a
pharmacologist member of the committee if the person is licensed as a
therapeutic optometrist or ophthalmologist or is related within the second
degree by affinity or consanguinity as determined by Chapter 573,
Government Code, to a person who is licensed as a therapeutic optometrist
or ophthalmologist. 

(e) Requires the committee, in making recommendations, to consider patient
safety, patient costs, the effect on a patient's access to health care,
patient convenience, and any added efficiencies to the health care delivery
system the decision may involve. 

f) Requires the board and the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners to
adopt recommendations made by the committee before they become law.
Requires the board to articulate a sound, scientific reason for the failure
of either board to adopt a recommendation. 

(g) Provides that the committee is abolished and this section expires
September 1, 2005, unless continued in existence by legislative act. 

SECTION 4. (a) Effective date: September 1, 1999.

(b) Requires the initial committee members to be appointed no later than
October 1, 1999 and sets forth the composition of the three appointments
which expire September 1, 2000 and the three appointments which expire
September 1, 2001. 

SECTION 5. Emergency clause.