Senate Research Center   H.B. 1200
76R5531 DRH-DBy: Crabb (Lindsay)
Intergovernmental Relations


Under current law, a municipality has broad powers to unilaterally annex
areas of land that are within its extraterritorial jurisdiction. There is
concern that some municipalities are annexing areas for their tax bases and
other resources despite opposition by the residents of these annexed areas.
H.B. 1200 would establish provisions regarding the annexation of certain
areas annexed on or after December 1, 1996, by certain municipalities. 


As proposed, H.B. 1200 establishes provisions regarding the annexation of
certain areas annexed on or after December 1, 1996, by certain


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Chapter 43G, Local Government Code, by adding Section
43.148, as follows: 

Sec. 43.148.  DISANNEXATION OF CERTAIN AREAS. (a) Provides that this
section is only applicable to a tract of contiguous territory that fulfills
certain conditions.   

(b) Requires the county where the tract is located to hold an election on
the issue of the disannexation of the tract from the municipality if the
county clerk receives a petition asking for an election and it is signed by
at least 10 percent of the registered voters residing in the tract.
Requires the county clerk to determine the petition's validity no later
than the 30th day after the petition is received.  Prohibits a petition to
hold an election from being submitted after the fourth anniversary of the
date the tract was annexed.  

(c) Requires the county judge, if the county clerk determines the petition
is valid or fails to make a determination within the prescribed time, to
order the election be held on the first uniform election day occurring at
least 45 days after the county clerk determines the validity of the
petition or the prescribed time for making a validity determination
expires, whichever is earlier.  

(d) Specifies that only a registered voter residing in the tract is
authorized to vote in the election. Requires the municipality to pay for
the cost of holding the election.  

(e) Requires that the election ballots allow voting for or against the
proposition which is specified in the bill. Requires the county to
designate the name of the tract in the ballot based on a name which is
commonly used to identify the tract.  

(f) Provides that if a majority of the votes cast at the election favor the
proposition, the tract is disannexed from the municipality, and any
municipal utility district or special district that was abolished as a
result of the annexation is reestablished on the date of the canvass of the
election. Provides that the officers who were serving the district when the
tract was annexed are the officers of the reestablished district.  Requires
an officer whose term has expired to  serve until a successor is qualified,
and requires the successor to be elected or appointed in a timely manner in
accordance with governing law.  

(g) Provides that if less than a majority of the votes cast favor the
proposition, the tract remains part of the municipality and no other
election to disannex may be held under this section.  

(h) Prohibits the municipality from reannexing any portion of a disannexed
tract unless it is approved by a majority of the votes cast at an election
conducted by the municipality in the area to be annexed.  

(i) Requires an arbitration panel to be appointed no later than the 10th
day after the date a disannexation occurs.  Sets forth individuals who
compose the panel. 

(j) Requires the arbitration panel to conduct an accounting of specified
expenses incurred by the municipality, each municipality utility district,
and other special district during the annexation and disannexation process.
Requires the arbitration panel to render a decision on whether the
municipality or special districts are entitled to compensation from each
other, no later than the 120th day after disannexation.  

 (k) Provides that an arbitration panel's decision is reviewable in the
district court of the county under the substantial evidence rule.
Authorizes the municipality or an affected district to file an original
action for an accounting in the district court of the county where the
tract is located if the arbitrators are unable to reach a majority

(l) Provides that Chapter 171, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, applies to
arbitration pursuant to this section, except as provided by this section.  

(m) Provides that a tract of land is considered to be located in the county
where the majority of the tract is located.  

(n)  Sets forth requirements in cases where the tract of land is located in
more than one county. 

(o) Requires the county judge of the county which contains a majority of
the area of the tract, if an election is held concerning a tract which is
located in more than one county, to combine the election returns after they
are canvassed in each county to determine if the disannexation is approved
in the tract as a whole.  

SECTION 2. Emergency clause. 
  Effective date: upon passage.