Senate Research CenterC.S.H.B. 1610
By: McCall (Zaffirini)
Human Services
Committee Report (Substituted)


The Texas Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities (council) was
created in 1971 to advocate for people with developmental disabilities,
develop a state plan, sponsor training, and to provide education about
disability issues.  To execute these activities, the council's budget for
fiscal year 1999 was $3.9 million and includes 14 employees, with
administrative support from the Texas Rehabilitation Commission.   

As a result of its review of the council, the Sunset Advisory Commission
recommended continuation of the council and several statutory


As proposed, C.S.H.B. 1610 continues the Texas Planning Council for
Developmental Disabilities, renames it as the Texas Council for
Developmental Disabilities, and makes several statutory modifications. 


Rulemaking authority is granted to the designated state agency in SECTION 4
(Section 112.018(e), Human Resources Code) and to the Texas Council for
Developmental Disabilities in SECTION 4 (Section 112.020(b), Human
Resources Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 112.001, Human Resources Code, by redefining
"council," "designated state agency," and "applicable federal developmental
disability laws."  Deletes the definition of "administering agency" and
"facility for persons with developmental disabilities." Makes conforming

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 112.014(a), Human Resources Code, by deleting a
provision providing for a vacancy on the Texas Council for Developmental
Disabilities (council) if a member misses three consecutive meetings.
Makes a conforming change. 

SECTION 3.  Amends the heading of Chapter 112B, Human Resources Code, as


SECTION 4.  Amends Chapter 112B, Human Resources Code, by amending Sections
112.011, 112.012, 112.015, 112.018-112.020, and 112.023, and adding
Sections 112.0111, 112.0161112.0163, 112.0201, 112.022, and 112.0221, as

 Sec.  112.011.  ESTABLISHMENT.  Makes a conforming change.

 Sec.  112.0111.  DEFINITION.  Defines "executive director."

Sec.  112.012.  MEMBERS.  Adds standard Sunset Commission language
regarding equal opportunity employment. 
Sec.  112.015.  EXPENSES.  Sets forth provisions for salaries of council
members appointed under Section 112.012, rather than Section 112.012(c) or
(d) of this code.  Entitles council members who have a disability, rather
than are disabled, to certain reimbursements. 

Sec.  112.0161.  CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.  Adds standard Sunset Commission
language regarding conflicts of interest. 

Sec.  112.0162.  REMOVAL OF COUNCIL MEMBER.  Adds standard Sunset
Commission language regarding the removal of a council member. 

Sec.  112.0163.  COUNCIL MEMBER TRAINING.  Adds standard Sunset Commission
language regarding council member training. 

Sec. 112.018.  New heading:  DESIGNATED STATE AGENCY.  Requires the
governor to designate a state agency to provide administrative support to
the council.  Authorizes the governor to select a certain authority, and
sets forth a list of those authorities, to serve as the designated state
agency (DSA).  Requires the DSA, rather than administering agency, to
administer funds for the council, rather than the developmental
disabilities program, in accordance with applicable developmental
disability laws, rather than law.  Requires the DSA, in accordance with
state law and procedures, to provide certain procedures for the
administration of funds, rather than grant funds, available to the council.
Authorizes the DSA to adopt rules as necessary to implement the agency's
duties under, rather than for the operation of, this chapter.  Prohibits a
DSA from assigning duties to council staff except under certain conditions.
Deletes the requirement for the administering agency to make a decision
about the award of certain grants.   Deletes the text of Subsection (e) and
redesignates Subsection (f) to Subsection (e). Makes conforming changes. 

council to develop and submit a certain plan independently of the
administering agency, rather than jointly with the administering agency.
Requires the council to consult with the DSA before submitting the required
state plan for specific reasons. 

Sec.  112.020.  ADDITIONAL COUNCIL POWERS AND DUTIES.  Requires the council
to take certain actions in addition to duties derived from other provisions
of this chapter.  Adds standard Sunset Commission language regarding
separation of policymaking responsibilities, and provides the public with
an opportunity to appear before the council. Authorizes the council to
adopt rules relating to budgets and grants, to implement its duties and
responsibilities under this chapter, and applicable federal developmental
disability laws. Makes a conforming change. 

Sec.  112.0201.  COMPLAINTS.  Adds standard Sunset Commission language
regarding written complaints. 

Sec.  112.022.  EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.  Requires the council to hire an
executive director  in accordance with a certain hiring laws, for the
purpose of executing policies and activities established  by the council.
Sets forth required responsibilities of the executive director and the
executive director's designee. 

Sec.  112.0221.  EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY.  Adds standard Sunset
Commission language regarding equal opportunity policies. 

Sec.  112.023.  SUNSET PROVISION.  Provides that the council is abolished
and this chapter expires on September 1, 2011, rather than September 1,
1999.  Makes a conforming change. 

SECTION 5.  Amends Section 614.002(c), Health and Safety Code, to make a
conforming change. 

SECTION 6.  (a)  Authorizes the governor to change the designation of the
designated state agency under Section 112.018, Human Resources Code, by
October 1, 1999. 
(b)  Requires a designation change subsequent to a legislative
recommendation to be made in accordance with existing laws. 

SECTION 7.  (a)  Provides that the name of the Texas Planning Council for
Developmental Disabilities is changed to the Texas Council for
Developmental Disabilities. 

 (b)  Sets forth provisions for the use of certain stationery.

(c)  Provides that the changed name of the Texas Council for Developmental
Disabilities does not affect the validity of procedures or actions
undertaken by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities. 

(d)  Sets forth a provision for appropriations to the newly named Texas
Council for Developmental Disabilities. 

SECTION 8.  Provides that a certain previously adopted rule becomes a
council rule, and remains in effect until amended or repealed by the
council, under certain conditions. 

SECTION 9.  Requires the council and the DSA to enter into a certain
memorandum of understanding.  Provides that a certain management agreement
terminates concurrently with the execution of the memorandum of

SECTION 10.Effective date:  September 1, 1999.
  Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 11.Emergency clause.



Deletes existing text of SECTION 6, and adds text regarding the governor's
authority and a change in a designated state agency's designation.